Learn about the Technology Closet®

Ease of Use

Smart Home

Ensure compatibility and functionality as you integrate Smart Home technology, appliances, and gadgets. Your home will be ready to implement them right away.


It shouldn’t take a professional to manage the technology in your home. Your home technology should be in one location, easy to find, and easy to use.


Don’t clutter your new home with gadgets and electronics all over the place. With an Easy Living® Certified home, you’ll have your technology centrally located in the home or only where you want it.

Increased Home Value

Attractive Features

An Easy Living Certified home transforms your home’s technology infrastructure into a feature, not simply another standard in the home.

Additional Capabilities

Whether it’s online access, satellite TV, home security, or a home theater, an Easy Living Certified home is ready to handle the devices you need throughout your home.


Every Easy Living Certified home receives a wiring diagram, making any future needs easier to implement whether you’re installing a new gadget or remodeling your home.

Future Proofing your Home


As technology changes and improves, ensure that your new devices will work seamlessly with existing and future gadgets or appliances.


Having all your technology in a centralized location, and consistent wiring infrastructure in the home reduces the risk for issues with connectivity or compatibility.


The better organized your wiring and technology infrastructure, the less likely it is that you’ll have any issues for the many years you live in the home. Protect your investment with an Easy Living Certification.

Get EL® Certified

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