Setting a New Standard

Imagine offering your clients all options for integration? (We know, we just blew your mind. Seriously, it’s ok.) With our Technology Closet® your clients have control over their technology choices. An Easy Living® Certification builds trust and value in the wiring of each home you build.


Want to know the benefits of the technology closet? Sure. Hope you have enough time to read them all.

  • Prioritize technology. Make it a functional and integral part of your home’s design.
  • Add value to your home’s design. Planning the technology placement throughout the home shows you went the extra mile.
  • With all the technology available for today’s home, give your clients the freedom to have just about anything they want.
  • As the technology demands of your client evolve, an Easy Living® Certified home will meet their needs.
  • As a standard feature or an upgrade, a Technology Closet® sets you apart from your competition.
  • Streamline your subcontractors with Easy Living®’s wiring standards, saving you time and money.
  • Make the networking of smart home gadgets a feature, not a challenge.
  • A Technology Closet® eliminates much of the micro-customization of a home, shortening construction time.
  • Increase the value in the homes you build with a Technology Closet®. The 21st century upgrade.


We know you want in by now, so let’s get specific on what you get.

  • Easy Living® Wiring Diagram
  • Ebook: How to Design for Cool
  • Annual license for Easy Living® Certification
  • Bi-annual updates on trends, best practices, and new standards

Get Certified


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