Technology on the floor plan


Design with the future in mind. Make technology a functional and integral part of your home’s design.


Add value to your home’s design by planning a Technology Closet® in the home.


Give your buyer more options, not restrictions, when it comes to the technology available for the home.

Unique market

Raising Tech Standards

Set yourself apart from the competition by keeping your buyer’s technology needs in mind.

Industry Leader

Offer a unique and cutting edge feature and design that will extend the life and value of the home.


Future-proof your home design to include Smart Home appliances, gadgets, and electronics.

Increased value and business

Future Ready

With a Technology Closet®, let your buyers know that their home can evolve as their needs do.

Premiere Provider

Offer an EL Certification and Technology Closet® as a standard feature or an upgrade.

All-In-One Solution

Give your buyers peace-of-mind by showing them you’ve made every part of their home a priority.

Get EL® Certified

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